You may have noticed something strange about the standard on which Correon's
Power Suit stood: it looks like there are Indian feathers behind it. Sadly, I
don't have any really good pictures of it.
Now why is that? Well, they're not really Indian feathers, but the 'wings' of
the Polish winged cavalry, called the Husaria. The Husaria wore these wooden
arcs with eagle feathers as a psychological weapon: apparently it makes a
frightening sound. The superior officers also wore the skin of a tiger or leopard over their
shoulders, as a symbol of valour.
Parts of the above info, and the following extract, as well as the pictures
below, are from
"For over a century, the Husaria were the lords of the
battlefield, delivering the decisive blow in many an important engagement; at
Kircholm (1605) 3,900 Poles accounted for 13,500 Swedes, at Klushino (1610)
6,000 Poles (of only 200 were infantry) defeated 30,000 Muscovite and 5,000
German and Scottish mercenaries, at Gniew on the onset of the Deluge in the
midst of agonizing defeats everywhere (1656) 5,500 Polish cavalry defeated
13,000 Swedes and outside Vienna (1683) the Husaria saved Europe from the, until
then, unstoppable might of the Ottoman Empire. In 1699, the remnants of the once
mighty army of the Commonwealth defeated the Tartars & Turks at Podhajce, the
final engagement of the Poles with the Ottomans."
These pictures are copyright by their respective owner(s).
Thanks to Kawosz for the base of this information.