© 2004: Sharak The Third

Clips: TV Polonia

The audio and video clips which can be found here (audio) and here (video), are partially recorded from the Polish TV channel: TV Polonia. Maybe you wondered what the Polish translator actually says in them (at least I did). Well, thanks to Kawosz, I can now offer a transcription and translation of what he says in the intro and outro scenes:

Intro Scene

:-: Polish text

Film produkcji Austalijskiej, zrealizowany we współpracy z Telewizją Polską.

"Dwa światy"

odcinek ?? (episode number: 24 in audio clip)





reżyseria: Noel Price

:-: English translation

Movie production of Australia, realized in association with Polish Television.

"The two worlds"

episode ?? (episode number: 24 in audio clip)





direction: Noel Price

This text possibly contains errors due to an incorrect translation or due to things I've changed wrongfully from the original translation by trying to make it into correct English.

Outro Scene

:-: Polish text

Koniec odcinka ?? (episode number: 26 in audio clip)

w pozostałych rolach:

opracowanie Telewizja Polska

tekst: Krystyna Lozowska na podstawie tłumaczenia Igora Brejdyganta.

czytał: Maciej ...

:-: English translation

End of episode ?? (episode number: 26 in audio clip)


study by Polish Television

text by Krystyn Lozowska on base of translation by Igor Brejdygant.

reading: Maciej ...

Once again: this text possibly contains errors due to an incorrect translation or due to things I've changed wrongfully from the original translation by trying to make it into correct English.

Please note that Igor Brejdygant is also the third assistant director of the series, and maybe even family of Stanisław Brejdygant: the Summoner of Clayhill (although I don't know how frequent the name Brejdygant is in Poland).
